Teresa C. Diamantino
Alternate names Teresa Diamantino, T.C Diamantino, Teresa Cunha Diamantino, T. Diamantino, Teresa C. Diamantino +3 more
Institution National Laboratory of Energy and Geology
Past institutions National Laboratory of Energy and Geology, National Institute of Engineering, Technology and Innovation, University of Coimbra
H-index: 16
I10-index: 18
Works count: 52
Citations count: 1,958
Marine paints: The particular case of antifouling paints
2007 · Elisabete Almeida, Teresa C. Diamantino, et al. · Progress in Organic Coatings
Lactate dehydrogenase activity as an effect criterion in toxicity tests with Daphnia magna straus
2001 · Teresa C. Diamantino, Elisabete Almeida, et al. · Chemosphere
Acute Toxicity Test with Daphnia magna: An Alternative to Mammals in the Prescreening of Chemical Toxicity?
2000 · Lúcia Guilhermino, Teresa C. Diamantino, et al. · Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety