Hassan Masoomi
Alternate names H Masoomi, Hassan Masoomi
Institutions University of California, Los Angeles, ORCID
Past institutions University of California, Los Angeles, ORCID, Colorado State University, Sharif University of Technology
H-index: 13
I10-index: 13
Works count: 18
Citations count: 526
Minimal Building Fragility Portfolio for Damage Assessment of Communities Subjected to Tornadoes
2018 · Mehrdad Memari, Navid Attary, et al. · Journal of Structural Engineering
Restoration and functionality assessment of a community subjected to tornado hazard
2017 · Hassan Masoomi, John W. van de Lindt · Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
Wind Performance Enhancement Strategies for Residential Wood-Frame Buildings
2018 · Hassan Masoomi, Mohammad Reza Ameri, et al. · Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities