G. B. Whitham
Alternate names Gerald B. Whitham, Gerald Beresford Whitham, G. B. Whitham
Institution California Institute of Technology
Past institutions California Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, University of Manchester
H-index: 36
I10-index: 43
Works count: 67
Citations count: 24,100
Linear and Nonlinear Waves
1975 · G. B. Whitham, Richard Fowler · Physics Today
On kinematic waves II. A theory of traffic flow on long crowded roads
1955 · M. J. Lighthill, G. B. Whitham · Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A Mathematical and Physical Sciences
On kinematic waves I. Flood movement in long rivers
1955 · M. J. Lighthill, G. B. Whitham · Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A Mathematical and Physical Sciences