Carmen Quijada Díez
Alternate names C. Diez, Carmen Diez, Carmen Quijada Diez, Carmen Quijada Díez, Quijada, C.
Institution Universidad de Oviedo
Past institutions Universidad de Oviedo, Yebes Observatory, Spanish National Observatory
H-index: 3
I10-index: 3
Works count: 34
Citations count: 52
Wideband ultra-low noise cryogenic InP IF amplifiers for the Herschel mission radiometers
2003 · I. López-Fernández, Juan D. Gallego-Puyol, et al. · Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering/Proceedings of SPIE
Experimental results of gain fluctuations and noise in microwave low-noise cryogenic amplifiers
2004 · J. D. Gallego, I. López-Fernández, et al. · Proceedings of SPIE, the International Society for Optical Engineering/Proceedings of SPIE
Wide Band Cryogenic IF Amplifiers for ALMA and Herschel Receivers
2003 · I. López-Fernández, Carmen Quijada Díez, et al.